The Symptoms, Triggers, and Other Details About Toothaches

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Toothaches can be tricky at times—mostly because they can be somewhat of a mystery. However, many tend to take control of their toothaches if they know more about them. So, if you are currently experiencing a toothache, we are happy to help you know more about it by giving you the following information:

What causes a toothache?
The cause of a toothache could be many things, including:

· Tooth decay
· Infected gums
· An impaired filling
· A fractured tooth
· An abscessed tooth
· Teeth-grinding habits
· Repetitive motions, like chewing

What are the symptoms of a toothache?
Many people have different experiences when it comes to the symptoms of a toothache. Some things you might experience are: pains that are sharp or throbbing, constant discomfort, swelling around the tooth, fevers, headaches, or foul-tasting drainage that leaks from the infected tooth.

When should I see the dentist about the toothache?
We generally recommend visiting the dentist if:

· Your toothache is too severe to handle
· You have a fever, headache, or have a hard time widely opening your mouth
· Your toothache lasts longer than two days

Now that you know all about toothaches, you know what your next step should be! Whether it’s curing the toothache with a home remedy or visiting your dentist, you are on the right track toward improving your oral health. If you have additional questions or if you need assistance, please feel free to call Midtown Dental today at 919-847-8074 and talk to our wonderful team. Dr. Seth Rumley will also be happy to help you if you schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.