Large Cavities Can Be Repaired Using an Inlay or Onlay Filling

The occlusal or biting surface of molars and premolars can often have deep pits and fissures. From a functionality standpoint, this helps back teeth chew tough foods. However, these areas can sometimes trap plaque and residual food particles, which promotes cavity formation. If the cavity is modest in size, your dentists can usually repair it using an inlay or onlay... read more »

All About Inlays And Onlays

Inlays and onlays are a type of dental restoration that is bigger than a filling but smaller than a dental crown. Inlays usually go between the pointed parts of a tooth (cusps) located on the chewing surface while onlays can cover one or more of these cusps and the sides of the tooth. Because inlays and onlays are used for... read more »

The Pros And Cons Of Laser Dentistry

When you hear the word “laser,” your first thought may be of ray guns in sci-fi flicks. However, in the real world lasers have many practical uses, including treatments and procedures in modern dentistry. Here are a few of the dental procedures lasers can complete and the pros and cons of laser dentistry. Laser Dentistry Procedures Two types of lasers... read more »

Everything you Need to Know about Cavity Prevention

Many American children and adults have had a cavity in their lifetime, and many of those cavities often go untreated. Cavities develop with the wearing-away of enamel and the lack of brushing and flossing, causing bacteria to develop and deteriorate the structure of the tooth. Cavities are prevalent, but cavities are also preventable. Here are five tips to help you... read more »

My Tooth Is Killing Me! Why?

There’s one word that makes people wince even more than phrases like “Monday morning” or “income taxes,” and that word is “toothache.” But what is a toothache, exactly? And what causes a toothache? Simply put, a toothache is pain in or around a tooth. And you may know from sad experience that a toothache can range from anywhere between a... read more »