Oral Trauma Can Cause Toothache Pain

Sometimes an accidental fall or blow to the face can impact a tooth without causing any initial pain or causing overt damage to the tooth’s enamel layer. In some of these cases, you might only suffer some minor swelling or facial bruising. But a few days later, you could develop a toothache or pain in the surrounding gums. This could... read more »

A Toothache is Often a Symptom of a Serious Problem

A pain deep in the gums or radiating from inside of a tooth should be seen as a serious warning sign of a more significant problem that is developing. Dr. Seth Rumley strongly suggests that if you have a toothache develop, especially if there’s no direct trauma associated with it, you need to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.... read more »

The Symptoms, Triggers, and Other Details About Toothaches

Toothaches can be tricky at times—mostly because they can be somewhat of a mystery. However, many tend to take control of their toothaches if they know more about them. So, if you are currently experiencing a toothache, we are happy to help you know more about it by giving you the following information: What causes a toothache? The cause of... read more »

My Tooth Is Killing Me! Why?

There’s one word that makes people wince even more than phrases like “Monday morning” or “income taxes,” and that word is “toothache.” But what is a toothache, exactly? And what causes a toothache? Simply put, a toothache is pain in or around a tooth. And you may know from sad experience that a toothache can range from anywhere between a... read more »